Cube Helper Tutorial

This tutorial is a step by step guide to using the cube_helper module. cube_helper is useful for concatenating, comparing, and equalising cubes in large datasets. cube_helper is designed to give a certain degree of abstraction to the user from issues in iris cube meta-data and coordinate information. Start by pointing your python Environment to the new cube_helper module:

!export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/cube/helper

Next, import the new cube_helper methods.

import cube_helper as ch

load will load data into a single cube by ignoring certain attributes and meta-data that causes common problems with concatenation. Here we load a HadGEM3 model, and load takes care of the rest:

cube = ch.load('/path/to/cmip/data/HadGEM3-GC31-LL/piControl/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tasmin/gn/v20190628')
cube attributes differ:

    creation_date, history, and tracking_id attibutes inconsistent

Deleting creation_date, history, and tracking_id attributes from cubes

Here we see some output describing the process it’s going through. The first statement states the attributes differ, it therefore deletes the uncommon attributes across the cubes. This then returns a concatenated iris cube:

air_temperature / (K)               (time: 6000; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                           x               -               -
          latitude                       -               x               -
          longitude                      -               -               x
     Scalar coordinates:
          height: 1.5 m
          Conventions: CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
          activity_id: CMIP
          branch_method: standard
          branch_time_in_child: 0.0
          branch_time_in_parent: 267840.0
          cmor_version: 3.4.0
          comment: minimum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (add cell_method...
          data_specs_version: 01.00.29
          experiment: pre-industrial control
          experiment_id: piControl
          external_variables: areacella
          forcing_index: 1
          frequency: mon
          grid: Native N96 grid; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude
          grid_label: gn
          initialization_index: 1
          institution: Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK
          institution_id: MOHC
          license: CMIP6 model data produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre is licensed under...
          mip_era: CMIP6
          mo_runid: u-ar766
          nominal_resolution: 250 km
          original_name: mo: mon_mean_from_day((stash: m01s03i236, lbproc: 4096))
          parent_activity_id: CMIP
          parent_experiment_id: piControl-spinup
          parent_mip_era: CMIP6
          parent_source_id: HadGEM3-GC31-LL
          parent_time_units: days since 1850-01-01-00-00-00
          parent_variant_label: r1i1p1f1
          physics_index: 1
          product: model-output
          realization_index: 1
          realm: atmos
          source: HadGEM3-GC31-LL (2016):
aerosol: UKCA-GLOMAP-mode
atmos: MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1...
          source_id: HadGEM3-GC31-LL
          source_type: AOGCM AER
          sub_experiment: none
          sub_experiment_id: none
          table_id: Amon
          table_info: Creation Date:(13 December 2018) MD5:2b12b5db6db112aa8b8b0d6c1645b121
          title: HadGEM3-GC31-LL output prepared for CMIP6
          variable_id: tasmin
          variant_label: r1i1p1f1
     Cell methods:
          mean: area
          minimum within days: time
          mean over days: time

cube_helper can also still load from a list of files:

import glob
filenames = glob.glob('/path/to/cmip/data/EC-EARTH_rcp85/*.nc')
filenames_2 = glob.glob('/path/to/cmip/data/output1/ICHEC/EC-EARTH/historical/mon/atmos/Amon/r1i1p1/v20131231/tas/*.nc')
cube = ch.load(filenames)
cube attributes differ:

    parent_experiment_id, history, parent_experiment, experiment_id, tracking_id, associated_files, experiment, title, creation_date, and branch_time attibutes inconsistent

cube time coordinates differ:

    time start date inconsistent

Deleting parent_experiment_id, history, parent_experiment, experiment_id, tracking_id, associated_files, experiment, title, creation_date, and branch_time attributes from cubes

New time origin set to days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00

Here we see even more messages regarding what changes have been made to the cube, in particular the time units it’s been converted to. A concatenated cube is returned which we can view:

air_temperature / (K)               (time: 2999; latitude: 160; longitude: 320)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                           x               -               -
          latitude                       -               x               -
          longitude                      -               -               x
          CDI: Climate Data Interface version 1.4.4 (
          CDO: Climate Data Operators version 1.4.4 (
          Conventions: CF-1.4
          cmor_version: 2.8.0
          comment: Equilibrium reached after preindustrial spin-up after which data were output...
          contact: Alastair McKinstry <>
          forcing: Nat,Ant
          frequency: mon
          grid_type: gaussian
          initialization_method: 1
          institute_id: ICHEC
          institution: EC-Earth (European Earth System Model)
          model_id: EC-EARTH
          modeling_realm: atmos
          original_name: 2T
          parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
          physics_version: 1
          product: output
          project_id: CMIP5
          realization: 1
          references: Model described by Hazeleger et al. (Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2010, 91,...
          table_id: Table Amon (26 July 2011) b26379e76858ab98b927917878a63d01
     Cell methods:
          mean: time (3 hours)

This version of cube_helper will try every possible action when trying to concatenate a cube, when it runs into a problem that is best to solve manually, it will print out a message. We can demonstrate this using a historical and future dataset which were found to be incompatible:

filenames = glob.glob('/path/to/cmip/data/output1/ICHEC/EC-EARTH/rcp85/mon/atmos/Amon/r1i1p1/v20171115/tas/*.nc')
filenames_2 = glob.glob('/path/to/cmip/data/output1/ICHEC/EC-EARTH/historical/mon/atmos/Amon/r1i1p1/v20131231/tas/*.nc')
cube = ch.load(filenames)
cube dim coordinates differ:

    time coords long_name inconsistent

cube attributes differ:

    parent_experiment_id, history, parent_experiment, source, CDI, experiment_id, tracking_id, grid_type, associated_files, experiment, title, creation_date, branch_time, and CDO attibutes inconsistent

cube time coordinates differ:

    time start date inconsistent

Adding height coords to cube

Deleting parent_experiment_id, history, parent_experiment, source, CDI, experiment_id, tracking_id, grid_type, associated_files, experiment, title, creation_date, branch_time, and CDO attributes from cubes

New time origin set to days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00

There was an error in concatenation

The time coordinates overlap at cube 15 and cube 16
These cubes are:
The time coordinates overlap at cube 16 and cube 15
These cubes are:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/path/to/cube/helper/", line 66, in load
    result = result.concatenate_cube()
  File "/opt/scitools/environments/default/2019_02_27/lib/python3.6/site-packages/iris/", line 511, in concatenate_cube
    raise iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError(msgs)
iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError: failed to concatenate into a single cube.
  An unexpected problem prevented concatenation.
  Expected only a single cube, found 2.

Here we see the time coordinates for cube 15 and 16 overlap, We can therefore manually remove this from the list, and try again:


And then we try to load it again:

cube = ch.load(filenames)
cube dim coordinates differ:

    time coords long_name inconsistent

cube attributes differ:

    parent_experiment_id, history, parent_experiment, source, CDI, experiment_id, tracking_id, grid_type, associated_files, experiment, title, creation_date, branch_time, and CDO attibutes inconsistent

cube time coordinates differ:

    time start date inconsistent

Adding height coords to cube

Deleting parent_experiment_id, history, parent_experiment, source, CDI, experiment_id, tracking_id, grid_type, associated_files, experiment, title, creation_date, branch_time, and CDO attributes from cubes

New time origin set to days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00

This now seems to have worked, Lets have a look:

air_temperature / (K)               (time: 2940; latitude: 160; longitude: 320)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                           x               -               -
          latitude                       -               x               -
          longitude                      -               -               x
     Scalar coordinates:
          height: 2.0 m
          Conventions: CF-1.4
          cmor_version: 2.8.0
          comment: Equilibrium reached after preindustrial spin-up after which data were output...
          contact: Alastair McKinstry <>
          forcing: Nat,Ant
          frequency: mon
          initialization_method: 1
          institute_id: ICHEC
          institution: EC-Earth (European Earth System Model)
          model_id: EC-EARTH
          modeling_realm: atmos
          original_name: 2T
          parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
          physics_version: 1
          product: output
          project_id: CMIP5
          realization: 1
          references: Model described by Hazeleger et al. (Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2010, 91,...
          table_id: Table Amon (26 July 2011) b26379e76858ab98b927917878a63d01
     Cell methods:
          mean: time (3 hours)


cube_helper can load iris cubes without any output, with the muffle_logger function. This should only be used when it is absolutely necessary.

cube = ch.load('/path/to/cmip/data/HadGEM3-GC31-LL/piControl/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tasmin/gn/v20190628')

This can be undone at any time using the reset_logger() funtion.

cube = ch.load('/path/to/cmip/data/HadGEM3-GC31-LL/piControl/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tasmin/gn/v20190628')
cube attributes differ:

    creation_date, history, and tracking_id attibutes inconsistent

Deleting creation_date, history, and tracking_id attributes from cubes